Saturday, April 27, 2013

Memories......of the way we were


Memories of The Way We Were

This is Lindamood School 1894-1937
Several of us in my family attended a one room teacher... grades one to eight..... near Liberty Pole Wisconsin....which is just South of Viroqua
Wisconsin, in 1957. The name of the school was "Hinkst School". We lived on a Turkey Farm.   It was a very happy time in my life.   My love for the outdoors grew strong there.   I will write about it after I complete this hike.
Not only was the school similar,  but there was a stream nearby , and a large apple orchard that the AT wandered through.  We had a trout stream and orchard,  in Viroqua.  It was an enjoyable,   nostalgic afternoon.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Trail Purists


Trail Purist

I am faced with decisions on a daily basis, and the choices that I make have consequences.   Let's say that I am hiking up the trail, and I see that there is a wet spot up ahead.  It's wet and it's muddy too.  It's wet and muddy...... and too wide to step or hop over.   I can see that there is a path around the wet spot.  It will take me 20 yards off the AT,   but it will keep my feet,my socks, and my shoes dry.  Dry is good.  I am down to my last pair of socks......socks that are clean.....dry.....and don't stink.
Socks that have been worn smell.  Socks that have been worn and gotten wet, stink.   The truth is that my second pair....already stink.  But the smell radiates several feet farther, and is more repugnant......oh all right......the smell is God awful, when these shoes are wet.  The point I am making,  is that it's better when you stay dry.
The dilemma is that in order to stay dry,  one has to step off trail.
Yes.  I am a bit of a purist.  As much as is possible,  I am trying to stay on the trail....trying to hike the whole trail.  That said, this particular wet spot is deep.  It certainly will get my socks wet.  And my shoes, muddy and wet.  I just started hiking less than an hour ago..... this morning.  So it is still cold, and I have a long day of hiking ahead.  All of us hikers know by now,  that wet socks means that your feet slide more in the shoe...... and sliding leads to blisters....and blisters are not fun.  We all learned that way back in Georgia.
Ok.....okay,  the truth is that blisters, at this point in the hike, are no longer an issue.  My feet are so calloused now, that you would have a hard time driving a nail into the bottom of them.
It is not the is the stink.  My shoes stink so bad already, that in this warmer weather,  they are starting to draw flies.  Really.
So I decide....... as I approach the wet,muddy, spot, that just this once, I am gonna go around.  Looks like that is what everybody else did anyway.   And I am gonna stay dry.  Maybe I can stay dry all day for once.  Maybe for just one day, I can stay dry..... all day.
There it is dead ahead of me.  And it's fresh too....really fresh.
Right straight ahead of me is a fresh footprint.....a fresh print that sank deep.....way down deep.... into the muck.... right in the middle of the AT.  And I can see another print beyond that....a print covered by water.....a print in the muck,  a full three inches under the surface.  Some hardcore fool who got here shortly before me, on this early, cold,  morning, has walked right up the middle.....right straight through the muck.  It's a big print.... probably some macho man....... but maybe a woman.  There are a lot of women on this trail,  and some of them are large women,  with large feet.  Some of these women are carrying 50 pound packs.  I am not kidding.
Who did it?  I don't know.  But I do know that some damn, hardcore,  purist .......up early and ahead of me......... has squished his way right down the middle of the AT..... muddy, wet, smelly, shoes be dammed!  My fantasy of dry shoes is crushed.  He did it.....or she did it.  Okay.  Now I gotta do it too.  I step quickly......... as if to beat the cold muddy muck that is oozing into my shoes.  My foot slides a bit,  and I plant a pole to remain upright.  It's cold muck.....but it's not so bad...... not as cold as the Great Smokey Mountains' Muck.  Spring must be coming.  The water is not as cold.  I note.
Yes.  My shoes stink something awful.....of course they do......I am an AT thru-hiker!!!

trail Improvement


Hiking the AT is a glorious truly is .......but I think it would be even better if they could get somebody to move the rocks.

A day on the trail


Mt Rogers and Grayson Highlands

Grayson Highlands Ponies

AT wildlife

These are Mt. Roger's cows